Monday, March 30, 2009

Count your blessings each day

I am grateful to God for everything that he has provided now and in the past. I am thankful for a warm, cozy, comfortable home to live in.I am grateful for a supportive and understanding husband, who loves me despite my limitations..I am thankful to have raised a very good daughter that I am very proud of.I am extremely grateful for the continued health of my family. I am thankful that I am the one afflicted, rather than my loved ones. If I could choose to keep my family safe and well by me having this illness...I would gladly accept my pain everyday.I am grateful to live in a country where my freedom is not oppressed...where I can come and go as I please...where I can worship the Lord my Savior without persecution. I am thankful for the medications and various devices such as heating pads, hand massagers, pillows and so on, that help me each day to be more comfortable and endure this illness.I am grateful that winter is ceasing and spring is arriving. Winter is always the worse time for this illness.I am thankful that I have the comfort of the Lord each day and the knowledge of his promises according to his word, the Holy Bible.I am grateful for the internet. Although, I can't get out often, it helps me stay connected socially. I can give support and receive support. Of so many things that the internet helps me with, It gives me a way to get all my shopping done including buying and ordering groceries. I can continue to obtain knowledge about my illness...Knowledge is Power. I am thankful that I no longer have to struggle each day making it to work one day at a time. I no longer have to worry about getting fired for missing so much work. Without worry, I can now schedule my day according to how good or bad I feel. I feel more in control.I am thankful for this beautiful day today and that every day is an opportunity for a fresh start. I don't have to wait until a new year to make resolutions. I can do it everyday.I have much more to be thankful for, but it would require thousands of hours to document each blessing. I must try to inventory the things that I am grateful for each day.

Warm Regards to All,
